CLOSED - Fiesta Sunrise (USA - Season 2 - Episode 10)

Fiesta Sunrise, a family-run Mexican eatery in West Nyack, NY, is in major financial trouble and needs Chef Ramsay's help to get them back in business. Vic is the hard-headed, stubborn stepdad who is running the restaurant into the ground. Yolanda and her daughter Patti are hoping that a good stern talk from Gordon will be enough for Vic to face the facts. When Gordon arrives and finds unsanitary conditions, spoiled food and cockroaches in the kitchen, he shuts the restaurant down before they can even begin to talk about change. Will Gordon be able to get the party started again for Fiesta Sunrise or will the sun set on this restaurant forever.

2021-10-22 13:21:24 - KN Live

What Happened Next?

Fiesta Sunrise is closed. They closed in September 2008 after the restaurant was seized due to failing to pay taxes. They had closed the previous year due to failing to pay taxes but paid in full and reopened.

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